Visit our Internet Marketing Blog – your source for must-read news about SEO, SEM and the new trends in digital marketing and web design.
Google Ads Management
While creating and managing Google Ads campaigns is simple, they require extensive research, knowledge and optimization to see an effective return on investment. This is why it’s best for a professional to manage the campaign, so you can generate qualified leads with an effective use of your budget.
SEO FAQ: Answers to Common Questions about SEO and Digital Marketing
We have put together a list of frequently asked questions, some of them from clients, concerning SEO and internet marketing to help business owners gain a better understanding.
Web Form Spam: What It Is and How to Prevent It
Form spam is the submission of website forms by human scammers or spambots with malicious intent. Form spam is both annoying and potentially dangerous for your website and your visitors. The following actions can help you prevent form spam.
Tricks and Tips to Search Google Like a Pro
Google has built in ways that users can utilize to make the search results even more relevant to their initial query. The following are advanced Google search tricks and tips that can help you narrow your search results.
Google Dominates Worldwide Search Engine Market Share
When looking at the search engine market share worldwide and in the U.S., there is no question that Google is the absolute dominating force. While other search engines like Bing and DuckDuckGo have shown some growth, their share of the market still pales in comparison to Google.
Before Launching Your New Website, Create a Digital Marketing Strategy
Even the best designed websites are largely ineffective if they are not supported with an effective digital marketing strategy. When designing and building a new website, it is important to create your digital marketing plan first for two reasons.
Proceed Innovative is the Presenting Sponsor for the Members & Miles Virtual Mile Competition
To help promote team building in 2021, the Schaumburg Business Association (SBA) is putting on a Members & Miles event in which businesses who are members of the SBA will compete against each other to see who can walk, run, and wheel with a wheelchair the most miles. Proceed Innovative is proud to announce that we are the Presenting Sponsor for this event.
How to Create an Effective SEO Strategy
The start of the new year is a great time to evaluate your current SEO strategy, consider your online marketing goals, and determine how well your SEO strategy is meeting these goals. The following tips will help you form an effective SEO strategy for 2021.
What is SEO Web Design? How SEO and Web Design Work Together
In this guide, we will explain the importance of SEO web design as well as the SEO principles that you must incorporate into your web design. See the answers to common questions businesses may have when it comes to the relationship between SEO and web design.
Proceed Innovative’s Patrick Panayotov Featured on the Cover of The Enterprise World
At Proceed Innovative, we have worked with many clients of different industries to help their businesses stand out online. Recently, The Enterprise World magazine interviewed Patrick Panayotov, client service manager of Proceed Innovative for their cover story, “Proceed Innovative: Make Your Business Stand Out.”