How Google has evolved and changed the landscape of SEO

Google-Panda-UpdateMuch of what happens within the world of SEO depends heavily on how Google has updated and evolved. Over the past couple years; Google has made some key changes involving the use of keywords, links, and content creation that have changed the way SEO should be handled from a marketing perspective. It is important for SEO marketers and businesses that run their own websites to be familiar with how Google has evolved and changed the landscape of SEO.


One area of SEO that Google has recently changed is the way keywords are targeted in search terms. Previously, SEO marketers would try to target single keywords in an attempt to rank at the top of the search engine results pages for those specific keywords. With their latest update, Google shifted the focus from single keywords to keyword concepts, or groups of keywords that are related to the topic. While keywords are still an important part of SEO, the approach of trying to rank high for specific individual keywords is no longer useful. Instead, make sure to write valuable, relevant, and naturally written content and Google will recognize the synonymous keywords within your text which will form the keyword concept of the entire page.


Another area that has changed considerably over the past year or two is link building. The previous method of link building involved loading up on external links which may require a reciprocal link or payment in return, but this method also risked associating your website with bad link networks. The better strategy now is to go after endorsement links, or links from authority figures or experts within your industry.

The Penguin algorithm update that was released by Google in April 2012 penalizes websites that pay for links, participate in reciprocal linking or spamming comments, and post unnatural guest blogs or articles. Therefore, it is best to gather links from social media profiles, topically relevant directories, and either linking or non-linking endorsements from experts and authority figures within the industry. Editorial links, or links in the body of a webpage, are more effective than links found in the sidebar or footer of a page.


Content creation, perhaps the most important aspect of SEO marketing, has also changed as a result of Google’s recent updates. Previously, content on business websites was relatively simple with no author attributed to its creation. However, Google is now trying to focus on articles and blog posts that are attributed to individual authors who can be considered experts or authority figures in their field.

The goal of these algorithmic changes is to penalize websites that use low quality content and reward websites with more valuable and relevant content. It is possible that in the near future, Google will put more emphasis on identifying authors of quality content. Regularly publishing your own industry related content and participating in related social spheres such as groups and forums will help boost your online presence as an authority figure.

By understanding how Google’s algorithm updates change certain key aspects of SEO, you can gain a better idea of the general state of SEO marketing. The key is no longer in quantity as in more keywords, links, or content, but in quality and relevance as in relevant keyword concepts, quality authoritative links, and high quality, relevant content. Adapting to the ever changing landscape of SEO marketing will help you stay one step ahead of your competition.

Previous topic: Google Hummingbird Update.

Next topic: Creating Good SEO Content for Your Website.

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