Recent Google Core Updates and the Effects

Recent Google Core Updates and the Effects

Google updates are nothing new as Google has been updating how their search algorithm works periodically for over two decades.  When these updates occur, the digital marketing community assesses and responds to the changes to help the websites we manage follow...
How AI Will Affect the Future of SEO

How AI Will Affect the Future of SEO

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has exploded recently as AI technology can be used to create so many things from videos and textual content to emails, blog structures, and even poetry.  The capabilities of AI will only become more sophisticated, and people are...
SEO Year in Review: 2022 and 2023 SEO Trends

SEO Year in Review: 2022 and 2023 SEO Trends

The SEO landscape is dynamic.  Trends in SEO are constantly changing due to Google algorithm tweaks and updates as well as changes in consumer behavior.  It is important for businesses and SEO marketers to be aware of the latest trends so that SEO marketing strategies...